Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University 2023

Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University

The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) available at Griffith University is an outstanding opportunity for aspiring researchers who want to take their academic career to the next level. This program provides a fully-funded research training experience that covers tuition fees and provides a living stipend for eligible domestic and international students. With its cutting-edge research and innovative teaching practices, Griffith University is one of Australia’s most prestigious academic institutions, making it an ideal place for students who want to pursue advanced research in a diverse range of disciplines.

Students can choose from a wide range of research areas, including biomedical science, engineering, humanities and social sciences, and many more. The program is designed to provide students with a supportive and stimulating environment that fosters academic excellence and prepares them for a variety of careers in academia, industry, and government. Graduates of the program will be well-prepared to make a valuable contribution to society through their research, and they will have the skills, knowledge, and resources they need to succeed.

The Australian Government Research Training Program available at Griffith University provides an exceptional opportunity for aspiring researchers. With its world-class facilities, renowned researchers, and innovative teaching practices, Griffith University is an ideal place for students who want to pursue advanced research in a diverse range of disciplines. The program offers a comprehensive research training experience that equips students with the skills they need to succeed in future careers. Graduates of the program will be well-prepared to make a valuable contribution to society through their research.

SEE MORE INFO GENERAL ABOUT THE Australian Government Research Training Program HERE

What is the Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University 2023

The Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University is in two form. These include the following:

  • Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship
  • Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship

While the RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship covers tuition fees for the duration of the student’s research-based postgraduate degree, the RTP Stipend Scholarship provides a living allowance to students undertaking research-based postgraduate degrees in Australia. The RTP Stipend Scholarship is intended to support domestic and international students, while the RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship is specifically designed to support international students.

Both scholarships from the Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University are highly competitive and offer valuable opportunities for students pursuing research-based postgraduate degrees. Students are selected based on their academic merit and research potential, and they are expected to make significant contributions to their field of study

We would explain the details and requirements for each of the scholarships in detail below


Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University is a unique opportunity for international students with exceptional research potential who wish to pursue postgraduate research degrees at Griffith University. This scholarship provides a significant financial relief to international students who are often charged higher tuition fees than domestic students, as it covers the cost of tuition fees for the duration of their research-based postgraduate degree.

For international students who may not have the financial resources to pursue postgraduate research degrees without financial support, the Australian Government RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University offers an excellent opportunity to further their education and research. The scholarship is highly competitive, and successful candidates are selected based on their academic merit and research potential. This scholarship has replaced the Commonwealth Government’s International Postgraduate Research Scholarship (IPRS) scheme and is governed by the Australian Government Research Training Program

What is the Eligibility Requirements for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University

Interested applicants must take note of these two general eligibility requirements for this program.

(1) To be eligible for an Australian Government RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship, an applicant must:

  • Not be a domestic student, as defined as being a student who is an Australian citizen; or an Australian permanent resident or holder of an Australian Permanent Humanitarian visa; or a New Zealand citizen; and
  • Be commencing or enrolled in a Higher Degree Research (HDR) program (for which RTP support is available) at Griffith University.

(2) An Australian Government RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship will not be awarded to:

a candidate who is in receipt of an equivalent award or scholarship from the Commonwealth
Government designed to offset HDR program tuition fees.

What is the selection process for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University

The selection of recipients is determined by their academic excellence, potential for research, and the quality of the training environment where their research will be conducted. The University’s strategic priorities are also considered during the selection process. You can find more information about the selection process here

What are the Benefits of the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University

(1) Fee Offset

The fee offset provided by the scholarship removes the liability of the awardee to pay program
tuition fees for the tenure of the award.

(2) RTP Allowances

The following ancillary costs of undertaking the Higher Degree Research (HDR) program are provided for under the terms of the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) scholarship:

  • a. the cost of a standard Overseas Student Health Cover policy which covers the candidate and dependents (if any) for up to 42 months; and
  • b. the Student Services and Amenities Fee for which the scholarship recipient would otherwise be liable during the tenure of the scholarship.

Under what circumstances can the Australian Government RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship be terminated?

The Australian Government RTP International Fee Offset Scholarship will be terminated if:

a. The Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University period is over or the awardee submits their thesis, whichever is earlier.

b. The awardee is not performing their program of study competently or diligently as per the scholarship offer and no further arrangements can be made.

c. The awardee of Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University begins a suspension without formal approval.

d. The awardee fails to resume study after the conclusion of a suspension or fails to extend the suspension period.

e. The awardee from Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University is involved in serious academic or student misconduct.

f. The awardee does not maintain satisfactory progress as determined by the University.

g. The awardee from Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University no longer meets the eligibility criteria as specified in Section 2 of the Award Conditions, except during an approved suspension of candidature.

The scholarship cannot be reactivated once terminated unless the termination was a mistake.

How to Apply for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University

1. New applicants must:

Submit an online application for a research program, which includes a section for scholarship application.

Find the link to Apply here

2. Current research candidates:

Should refer to specific instructions for submitting a scholarship application.
Applicants may only apply a maximum of two times in a five year period for consideration in the scholarship ranking and selection process.

Key dates to consider when applying for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) International Fee Offset Scholarship at Griffith University

While the application for admission to a research program can be submitted at any time, it is recommended that applicants apply at least four months prior to their preferred intake date. This allows sufficient time for the application to be assessed, an offer letter to be issued, and for the applicant to accept the offer. It’s important to note that some faculties may have specific application deadlines, so it’s important to check with the relevant faculty before submitting an application.

Let us now delve into the details of Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship.

Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship

The Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship is a highly competitive scholarship that provides a living allowance to domestic and international students pursuing research-based postgraduate degrees in Australia. The scholarship is intended to cover the student’s living expenses, including accommodation, food, and travel. The RTP Stipend Scholarship is open to students who have a strong academic record and research potential, and who wish to pursue a research-based postgraduate degree in Australia.

The RTP Stipend Scholarship covers the cost of living for the student, which allows them to focus solely on their research without the added burden of financial stress. The scholarship is awarded for the duration of the student’s research-based postgraduate degree, and it can be extended for up to six months for students who need extra time to complete their research. The RTP Stipend Scholarship is a great opportunity for domestic and international students who wish to pursue research in their chosen field and gain valuable experience in a multicultural environment.

What is the Eligibility Requirements for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship at Griffith University?

(1) To be eligible for a RTP Stipend Scholarship, an applicant must –

  • a. be commencing or enrolled in a HDR program (for which RTP support is
    available) at Griffith University; and
  • b. not be receiving income from another source to support the candidate’s general
    living costs that provides a benefit greater than 75% of the RTP Stipend rate to
    undertake the proposed program. Income unrelated to the candidate’s HDR
    program, or income received for the candidate’s HDR program but not for the
    purposes of supporting general living costs, is not to be taken into account.

What is the value of the Stipend and Allowances for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship at Griffith University?

  • An RTP Stipend Scholarship provides a yearly stipend of $32,192 (2023 rate) for full-time candidates, which may be indexed annually in accordance with the Higher Education Support Act 2003.
  • The University may offer RTP Stipends at a higher rate based on strategic priorities and a competitive selection process as per the Higher Degree Research Scholarship Policy.
  • The Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University income received by full-time candidates may be tax exempt, and it is the scholarship holder’s responsibility to assess their tax liability.
  • The Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University Stipend is paid fortnightly into a bank, building society, or credit union account from the start of the program, or from the date of the grant of the award if the candidate is already enrolled in the program.

In addition, an awardee may be entitled to the following Relocation Allowance

  • 1) An awardee who relocates within Australia or travels from overseas specifically to take up the award can receive a maximum allowance of $1,485 for eligible travel expenses, consisting of up to $515 for each eligible adult, up to $255 for each eligible child, and receipts must be provided to the GGRS for verification of costs. This allowance covers the following:
    • a. Travel expenses equivalent to the economy/student airfare for the candidate, spouse, and dependents to travel to Brisbane or the Gold Coast via the most direct route. Alternatively, a per-kilometre allowance up to the equivalent airfare for the candidate can be calculated if they elect to travel by car. Candidates cannot claim accommodation or meal costs if they travel by car; and
    • b. Removal expenses.
  • (2) Relocation allowances must be claimed within six months of commencing the award, and no relocation allowances are payable for travel undertaken after the completion of studies or termination of the award.

What is the Tenure of the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship at Griffith University?

  • (1) The tenure of a full-time Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University Stipend Scholarship is up to 2 years for a Masters (Research) candidate and up to 3 years for a Doctoral candidate, starting from the program commencement date.
  • (2) Continuation of the RTP Stipend Scholarship during the tenure of the award is dependent on the awardee’s satisfactory progress in the HDR program, including the timely completion of candidature milestones and satisfactory annual progress reports.
  • (3) The tenure of the Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University (RTP) Stipend Scholarship will be reduced by any period of study undertaken prior to the commencement of the scholarship, or during a suspension of the scholarship, towards the research project and/or degree.
  • (4) A Doctoral candidate making satisfactory progress may apply for an extension of up to 6 months to the RTP Stipend Scholarship tenure. An extension will be approved if it relates to the study and is beyond the control of the candidate and could not have been reasonably anticipated at the commencement of the program, or if the candidate is undertaking an industry placement, research internship, or professional practice activity of more than 30 days duration, approved by the Dean Research. However, awardees enrolled in a Masters (Research) program are not entitled to an extension of the award.

The request for an extension must be made at least one month before (but no more than two months before) the expiry date of the award.

Having looked at the specific awards available under the Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University 2023, let us look at other general information about the award.

How to Apply for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship at Griffith University?

1. New applicants must:

Submit an online application for a research program, which includes a section for scholarship application.

Find the link to Apply here

2. Current research candidates:

Should refer to specific instructions for submitting a scholarship application.
Applicants may only apply a maximum of two times in a five year period for consideration in the scholarship ranking and selection process.

Key dates to consider when applying for the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship at Griffith University?

While the application for admission to a research program can be submitted at any time, it is recommended that applicants apply at least four months prior to their preferred intake date. This allows sufficient time for the application to be assessed, an offer letter to be issued, and for the applicant to accept the offer. It’s important to note that some faculties may have specific application deadlines, so it’s important to check with the relevant faculty before submitting an application.

What are the Employment and other funding opportunities available under the Australian Government Research Training Program at Griffith University?

(1) Awardees of the Australian Government Research Training Program (RTP) Stipend Scholarship are permitted to obtain additional funds for fieldwork, equipment, or other expenses not covered by the award. They may also receive funding for overseas travel costs from other Australian Government awards or other funding sources. Additionally, they may undertake a limited amount of paid employment that is unrelated to their research topic, restricted to no more than nine hours per week during normal working hours (9:00 am to 5:00 pm Monday to Friday). Any work outside of these hours must be approved by the principal supervisor.

(2) Before deciding to undertake paid employment while in the Higher Degree Research (HDR) program, awardees should consult with their principal supervisor. Decisions on the undertaking of any paid employment will be made under the proviso that the activity does not impede progress in the HDR program.

(3) Holders of an RTP Stipend Scholarship with dependent children may be eligible for the Family Payment paid by Centrelink. Any inquiries regarding eligibility for this payment should be directed to Centrelink.

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